Scientists viewing a monitor

Mind over matter

At the forefront of extreme electrochemistry and decarbonization of manufacturing Sadoway Labs is something unique: we are an idea factory, a science lab, developing clean tech to shape the future of industry and support the transition to a carbon-free economy.

Sadoway Labs addresses the challenges of electricity, transportation and manufacturing with research, development and deployment. We aim to create clean technologies for a decarbonized world.

The Sadoway Labs Foundation is a non-profit research institution founded to make discoveries and speed development. We are not bound up in red tape. We are not boxed in by institutional requirements. We work with industry partners to ensure these innovations will benefit the world.

Donald Sadoway has been changing the world through science for over 45 years. He is a disruptor dedicated to developing solutions to the world's most pressing problems. Professor Sadoway has been called an international thought leader, a visionary, and among the world's leading developers of clean technology, including revolutionary battery and metals technologies.

He is the co-founder of Ambri, now bringing the Liquid Metal Battery to market for grid-scale energy storage, co-founder of Boston Metal, a company with the goal of producing metals with no CO2 emissions, Avanti, commercializing the aluminum sulfur battery, Pure Lithium, developing a Lithium Metal Battery, and others.

He was recently awarded Inventor of the Year by the European Patent Office for the development of the Liquid Metal Battery, and was recognized as one of the 100 Most Influential People of 2012 by Time Magazine. His TED Talk has been viewed over 2,000,000 times.

Donald Sadoway
Donald R. Sadoway, PhD
Dr. Sadoway in his lab

Now retired from his celebrated career as a professor at MIT, Sadoway is advancing his ideas and taking them from the lab bench to the market at Sadoway Labs.

His GroupSadoway lab at MIT has been a powerhouse of invention in the field of extreme electrochemistry. He has earned over 37 patents and authored over 182 scientific papers. As a professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering he shaped over 10,000 young minds, teaching first-year chemistry, and at the graduate level kinetics, electrochemistry, and materials and energy. Online videos of his lectures in general chemistry, hosted by MIT Open Course Ware, extend Donald Sadoway's impact on engineering education far beyond the lecture hall.

At Sadoway Labs, Donald Sadoway and his team of scientists, are inventing new, radical technology without limitations.

We believe that innovation lives in an atmosphere that encourages free thinking; a meeting of the minds to develop new solutions to old problems. This is a place that supports both scientific growth, and the growth of scientists. The solutions start at the lab bench, through conceptualization, experimentation, testing, evaluation, practice. We are scientists, and science guides our path to the future.

Stay tuned to learn about the projects underway at Sadoway Labs.

Lab oven